The products you need, imported safely.
Vere Trading finds the suppliers of the products that you wish to import in any place of the world, whether they are machinery, equipment, raw material or finished product, for the resale or the consumption.
We trade with the exporter aiming always for the best conditions: cost, delivery time, payment terms, and product quality, everything that is necessary for a successful trading. Also we do an analysis of estimated cost of imports, listing items, one by one, that are going to make the final cost of the imported product. Looking always for the security, for the product quality and for the assisted service Vere has also an excellent tool, which we can make a factory inspection, checking items in your production local, before the effective delivery. So it is possible to identify if the product, service, process, piece of equipment or installation, comply expressly with the needs and expectation of the customer and/or the applicable regularization, or any other specified requirements. This inspection can include review of the designer, review of certified material, inspection view, diverse tests of indestructibility and supervision of mechanical performance or functional tests.
The services of Vere Trading are, for sure, the best set of solution in importation for your company. Here you will have the peace of mind and the certainty of quality, because what we seek constantly is the excellence of the results.